Dr. Mark Huselid is Distinguished Professor II of HR Strategy in the School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR) at Rutgers University. He holds a Ph.D. in Human Resource Management, an M.B.A., an M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and a B.A. in Psychology. Dr. Huselid has been on the SMLR faculty since 1992, where he teaches Masters, Executive, and Ph.D. level courses in the design and implementation of workforce measurement systems, financial analysis for HRM, and HR Strategy.
Dr. Huselid’s current academic research and consulting activities focus on the linkages between HR management systems, corporate strategy, and firm performance. In addition, he also has an active research and consulting program focused on the development of balanced measurement systems to reflect the contribution of the workforce, workforce management systems, and the HR management function to business success. He has published numerous articles on these topics in outlets such as the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Harvard Business Review, Human Resource Management Journal, Human Resource Planning, Industrial Relations, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Dynamics, Personnel Psychology, and Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, among others.
Dr. Huselid was the Editor of the Human Resource Management Journal from 2000 – 2004, and is a current or former member of the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Review, Human Resource Management Journal, Human Resource Management Review, Human Resource Planning, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and Personnel Psychology. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Society for Human Resource Management Foundation from 1999-2004, and was until recently a member of the Executive Committee of the Human Resource Management Division of the Academy of Management. Huselid was the recipient of the Society for Human Resource Management's Yoder-Heneman Scholarly Achievement Award, the Academy of Management’s Scholarly Achievement Award in Human Resource Management, the Academy of Management Journal’s Best Paper Award, and the Academy of Management’s Best Paper award in human resource management. He is among the most frequently cited scholars in the field of management, and has authored the most frequently cited article in the history of the prestigious Academy of Management Journal (1958-2009).
Dr. Huselid is a frequent speaker to professional and academic audiences, having delivered more than 500 presentations throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Africa. He has worked with companies such as ABB, Abbott Labs, Agilent, Alpharma, Allstate, American Heart Association, American Standard, Andersen Consulting (Accenture), Arthur Andersen, AT&T, Atlantic Health System, Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI), Avon, Bank of America, CARE, Catholic Health Initiatives, CHE, Chase Manhattan, CLC-Metrics, Coca Cola, Conference Board (US and Canada), The Concours Group, Coopers & Lybrand (PWC), Corning, CUPA-HR, Department of Trade and Industry (UK), DuPont, Equilon (Shell & Texaco), GlaxcoSmithKline, Global Consulting Alliance, GM, Herman Miller, Hewlett Packard, IBM, IPD (UK), Johnson & Johnson, Koch Industries, Lockheed Martin, Lominger, Lucent, M&M/Mars, Mellon Bank, Merrill Lynch, MetLife, Nash Finch, National Health Service (UK), Nationwide Bank, NEHRA, New Jersey Department of Labor, Nortel, Northrup Grumman, Norwest, Olsten Temporary Services, Oracle, Perform.com, Prudential, Quantum Technology, Saatchi & Saatchi, Saks Incorporated, SAP, SAS, Sears, Skillsoft, State Farm, Tyco, USG Corporation, Verizon, Warner Lambert, Whitman, and the Williams Companies on the topics of HR Strategy and HR Measurement.
Dr. Huselid's first book The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy & Performance (with Brian Becker and Dave Ulrich) was published in 2001 by the Harvard Business Press (HBP). The HR Scorecard has been translated into ten languages and is an international bestseller. His second book The Workforce Scorecard: Managing Human Capital to Execute Strategy (with Brian Becker and Dick Beatty) was published by the HBP in 2005. The Workforce Scorecard has also been translated into ten languages and is also an international bestseller. His latest book The Differentiated Workforce: Transforming Talent Into Strategic Impact (with Brian Becker and Dick Beatty) will be published by the HBP in March, 2009.
Dr. Huselid lives in Princeton Junction, NJ with his wife and two children.